Monday, April 27, 2020

Stuck in Quarantine Part 6

Today I received a call from my mom not to long ago and it was a call about the long awaited ACT score from the test that I took back in February. The ACT is a large part of arguably the biggest stressor amongst teenagers so the anticipation is rather great for today. Another large part of why I anticipated today so much is because that happens to be the very topic that I chose to write my junior theme on. As I became more informed about the standardized testing industry through my junior theme today marks a very important day for my future due to the way the testing situation has changed for me and all of my other fellow juniors. The ACT I took in February was the first actual ACT, but unlike the usual scenario for where I live, coronavirus has likely cancelled all standardized tests for the remainder of this school year (through July). This means that the one score that I received could be my deciding factor for colleges, forfeiting my ability for a potential super score opportunity or the ability to build up my overall test scores with one attempt. In order to combat this issue, some universities have announced that test scores are optional for the next year at the very least. I found this funny because this happened to be one of the solutions that I talked on in my Junior theme, I just did not expect the issue to be combated so soon, also I did not expect there to be a pandemic or school to be cancelled but here we are. So I am going to go find out my scores and this is my blog post, thanks for reading.


  1. Dom I also feel the same way about the ACT. I am sure majority of other students were stressed for the ACT as well. Thankfully the ACT hasn’t cancelled any of their upcoming tests, however the SAT has postponed all tests till September.

  2. You're totally right about the ACT being a huge stressor for us teenagers. I feel like my score weighs me down so much because I’m just not a good test taker but I’m really glad to hear that a lot of colleges are becoming test optional. I mean the reason for it may not be great but I’m happy it’ll help us in the future!
